Monday, September 29

I am going through the big "D" and don't mean Dallas

...NOT divorce...DISCIPLINE *sigh* Well, here we go... I FINALLY pulled out a book from our shelf, blew off the dust, and began reading "Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp.

*In my best 6th grade bookreport voice.....

It's an awesome book on how to train up your child in a biblical, Christ centered way. It explains concise and realistic ways to impliment discipline in a way that personifies the Gospel and our submission to it. This book is so rich!* [haha I just had a flashback to the bookreporting days of standing in front of the class- so funny-although I don't think I would have used the word "personifies" back then], it finally hit me as I was reading the "when to discipline" that Mikail is ready for it. Several examples Tripp gave about disciplining young children all were rooted in rebellion and resisting directions. Mikail is definately and very openly in this stage of willful resisting- she "understands" but yet resists. Realizing this has created so many emotions as a mother. I love her and know that because of my love for her and even more important my love for Christ, she needs this but on a very selfish level, it would be very easy to just "overlook" her disobedience at the age...she's way to young to know right from wrong, right?....haha NO. So, the Kuntz family is getting ready to embark upon not just meeting our daughters needs through food and sleep ( which have been the most obvious needs thus far) but meeting the need of discpline. Pray pray pray...this is a toughy! :)

Friday, September 26

Mikail doesn't have a poker face

true story. mikail gives away every time she poops. no, not because of the smell-although the smell isn't pleasant, but she rapidly crawls away immediately upon the "arrival." do you remember my post about our first game of tag, well she has the game conquered now and that is what she chooses to play when she is dirty. squealing and laughing all the way, she will suddenly dart off, and then i know...time to grab a diaper. this type of behavior may or may not prove to be helpful someday. :)

only time will tell.

Monday, September 15

1...2....3....4 TEETH!!

Yes, little M now has not just two but four teeth. (*Sigh*- from the breastfeeding mom) The first two( the bottom ones) were so cute and the two top ones are hilarious. You know the look....for Mikail, a little head :), and two HUGE teeth that haven't been pushed together yet leaving a sweet little gap. I guess her body will just have to grow into her teeth :) . Here are a few more updates on the little girl:

She crawls and is getting faster everyday
She pulls up on things to stand and even holds on with one arm
She has entered the stage where her toys aren't fun anymore and is more interested in all the "no" things
We are getting ready lower her bed for the second time in two weeks
She can climb 1 step
She claps and is getting close to waiving "hi"
She is LOUD- especially when we are out

Hope you are having a wonderful Monday. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 13

Do all little girls HAVE to wear bows??

I have to admit, when I first found out I was pregnant, I decided that I would make a much better "boy mom" than "girl mom." For those of you who may not know my family background, growing up, I was the only daughter, sister, niece, and granddaughter on both of my family sides. Needless to say I played GI Joe and built forts when most girls were playing Barbies and dress up. I took pride in my bruises from climbing trees and dresses were only worn on Sundays because I HAD to. For one of my birthdays I even made my mom take back my little cabbage patch girl doll and get me a boy doll- little Emerson. :) Thus leads to my original statement about being a better "boy mom." So when we had our big ultrasound to find out what we were having, I kept looking and looking for something between the legs...but there wasn't anything. I was still very excited to hear that the baby was a girl, but knew that I would have alot of learning to do :). Fortunately, I am really close to my adorable niece and used her as my training ground. I became quite successful at playing tea party and even put on pretend make-up. The one thing that was yet to be determined in my mind was...will Mikail wear bows? I think that they are cute on other babies/ girls but am I up to putting them on Mikail. That, to me, is the ultimate little girl thing to do- and one that I HATED growing up. So for the last 7 months (the entirety of Mikail's life) I have been trying to pump myself up to be ready to use a bow when her hair was long enough. And today was that day...and she looked absolutely ADORABLE. Now the only thing that makes me sad is that it makes her look like a little girl, not a baby. Guess I'll have to get over that one too. Here are a couple of pics from today:

Thursday, September 4


happy birthday, amy!!!
we love and miss you so much.
sorry that we couldnt be there with you today to celebrate.
you are such an important person in our lives, and no one can make us smile like you do.
eat some cake for us!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcedvxb --that's from mikail!
sorry so short but she's crying because she wants the computer again. love ya lots!!!
birthday smile 4 aunt amy