Thursday, December 9

A friendly rebuke

Yesterday we had an unplanned visit from some good friends of ours who needed to borrow our car.  During their time at our house we had some very God-ordained conversation which basically consisted of them calling us out on some things.  Their biggest concern was that we had been neglecting to walk out some very specific things the Lord spoke into our life about a year ago.  Their challenge was filled with love and encouragement, yet stern and truth-filled.

If I could sum up their words, it would come from Acts 4:29, "We must obey God rather than men."  Lately in many ways, I have been obeying man.  I have been more concerned with how people view me and my ministry, instead of knowing my acceptance in Christ and being freed up to not be concerned with man's thoughts toward me.  The Apostles in this passage were able to walk in massive amounts of obedience because their focus was on the greatness of their God and his mission for their life, and not on those around them, namely the religious authorities who were telling them not to preach the gospel.

I believe part of the answer to this problem of living to please man is found in Acts 4:32 - "And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him."

What is it that enabled the Apostles to endure the abuse and opposition of man?  They were fully engaged in the Spirit, to the point where even to consider obeying man and not living out Christ's mission was not even on their minds.  Why?  Because their minds were full of the Lord and their spirit (The Holy Spirit) was filled with His power to walk out God's calling on them.

Questions to consider:
1.  Who is speaking Truth into your life?
2.  Are you allowing them to walk with you in what obedience looks like?
3.  Is your focus on YOUR abilities/inabilities or HIS ever-enabling Spirit?
4.  What's keeping you from walking in obedience?

Surrendering with you!

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