Friday, August 29

Ransom Note

tO WhOm IT mAy CoNcErn:

wE ArE hOLdInG yOUr GiRaFFe RaNsOM.
iF You wAnt tO eVeR sEE hIm AgAiN,
yOu WilL sEnD uS YoUr aDDreSs (and we will kindly send him back :) ).


Anonymous said...

To the captors of our giraffe...please understand that this giraffe is a part of our family and holds deep sentimental value to our daughter. However, we will not bow to the coercion of unscrupulous men...we call upon the goodness that surely must be deep down in your heart to do the right thing.

a longing family

dbeckandlou said...

The gig is up! This giraffe belongs to Ansley... Don't worry about mailing her back, we'll just get her when we are up there in a couple of weeks. Thanks!